Home Purchasing Assistance Program
Qualified first-time homebuyers may receive up to $100,000 or 25% of a purchase, whichever is lower, as a down payment and closing cost assistance to purchase their primary residence located in Miami-Dade or Broward County. Down payment and closing cost assistance is in the form of a deferred second mortgage at 0% interest rate, 30-year term, with no monthly payments. Funds are available on a first-come, first-approved, and first-served basis.
+ Eligibility requirements:
- Must be a member of Dade County Federal Credit Union
- First-time homebuyer(s)
- Property must be occupied by all borrowers as their primary residence and maintain homestead exemption throughout the term of DCFCU HPA, a minimum of six years.
Eligible property types:
- 1-unit, single-family house, PUD, townhouse, or villa.
- This program cannot be used to purchase a condominium, coop, or manufactured home.
Gross annual household income is determined by the county guidelines where the property is being purchased and may not exceed:
- 140% of the area median income (AMI) for purchasing in Targeted area or
- 80% of the area median income (AMI) for purchasing in Non-Targeted area
- Consistently employed at least 24 months.
- All borrowers must have a good, established credit history.
- All borrowers must be either a U.S. Citizen or have obtained legal permanent residency immigration status.
- All borrowers must be a Miami-Dade or Broward County resident at the time of application and closing.
+ First-time homebuyer definition:
A first-time homebuyer is an individual who meets any of the following criteria:
- An individual or spouse who has had no ownership of a residential real estate during the three-year period ending on the date of purchase of the property.
- A single parent who has owned with a former spouse while married.
- An individual who has owned a residential real estate not permanently affixed to a permanent foundation in accordance with applicable regulations.
- An individual who has owned a property that was not in compliance with state, local or model building codes and which cannot be brought into compliance for less than the cost of constructing a permanent structure.
+ Additional Criteria:
- At least one borrower must complete approved homebuyer education training from a HUD approved agency. Certificate is valid for one year from issue.
- HUD site link for homebuyer counseling: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/find-a-housing-counselor/
Amount of Home Purchasing Assistance depends upon the census tract where the purchased Home is located:
- Not to exceed $100,000
- In target areas will receive maximum 25% of purchase price
- Outside of target zones will receive maximum 3% of purchase price.
Purchase price must be below the limits for Miami-Dade or Broward County
- Target Area: $654,350
- Non-Target Area: $523,480
Miami-Dade & Broward Target Area Census Tracts:https://www.huduser.gov/portal/qct/1statetable.html?statefp=12.0&DDAYEAR=2025
Census Tract locator:https://geomap.ffiec.gov/ffiecgeomap/
Maximum Income Eligibility (AMI Chart)
Dade County Federal Credit Union must be the 1st mortgage lender.
Combined Loan to Value (CLTV) does not exceed 105 percent of the purchase price including all mortgages and down payment assistance. Maximum CLTV is based on loan product:
- Conventional may not exceed 105% CLTV.
- FHA may not exceed 96.50% CLTV.
- VA may not exceed 100% CLTV.
Fixed rate mortgages only.
Borrower(s) must have a minimum of 1% of the purchase price from their own funds for the down payment.
DCFCU HPA approval is dependent on first mortgage lender approving first mortgage.
+ Loan Terms:
- HPA is a second mortgage.
- Interest Rate 0%
- No Payments Required
- 30-year deferred mortgage, with possible forgiveness in the seventh year if borrowers continue residing as owner-occupants with homestead exemption on property for six continuous years.
- The second mortgage becomes due and payable upon sale of the property, refinancing of the first mortgage, applying for a new second mortgage, transfer of deed, death of all borrowers, if the borrower no longer occupies the property as his/her primary residence, or homestead exemption is removed.
*Applicant must live, work, worship or go to school in Miami-Dade or Broward County. Applicant can receive up to $100,000 or 25% of a purchase, whichever is lower, towards the purchase of their first home as a 30-year 2nd mortgage at 0% interest rate, and no monthly payments with DCFCU HPA. If the home is used as the primary residence with homestead exemption for six (6) years, the DCFCU HPA will be satisfied in the 7th year. Dade County Federal Credit Union must be the lender of the first mortgage loan. Mortgage loans are subject to credit, income, and collateral evaluation. All Credit Union loan programs, rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice. Subject to credit union policy. Dade County Federal Credit Union NMLS ID is 410320.