Shop the Sales
You don’t have to be a genuine Coupon Queen to save money on groceries. Teach your kids how to shop the sales and use coupons in the best way possible.
This month’s goal: Show your kids how much money you can save by shopping sales and using coupons.
Pointers to cover:
Basic couponing guidelines.
Creating a weekly menu and shopping list around sale items.
How sales can really trim your grocery bill.
When sales aren’t as great as they’re made out to be.
Common pitfalls of shopping sales.
Conversation starters
For kids under age 9:
Use several weekly circulars for these conversations.
Can you find the best place to buy _____ (shampoo, detergent, soda, pasta, etc.) this week?
How much money do you think you can save by creating a dinner menu around sale items?
Does it make sense to buy anything just because it’s on sale? Why or why not?
For kids over age 9:
Do sales always mean better deals?
Does it always make sense to stock up on sale items? Explain your answer.
How much money do you think you can trim off a weekly grocery bill by shopping the sales?
In your opinion, how much saved money would make it worth it to drive to four different stores around town for getting the best-priced items?
Have you ever regretted purchasing an item that is on sale?
Here at DCFCU, our Gen-You committee is always reaching out to our youth to teach them financial responsibility. Keep an eye out for future Gen-You events and financial literacy seminars by following us on Instagram.