Be Aware of New Tax Scams
Tax Season is coming to end in a couple weeks. April 17th to be exact, is “Tax Day”, the filing deadline and due date for Federal Income Tax Returns for the 2017 tax year. Every year the IRS reminds us to be alert of the more common scams, such as email phishing scams and fake websites that are created to fool you to voluntarily give your personal information to thieves.
As consumers become more aware of these common tactics, the thieves have to start thinking of new ways to defraud you. At Dade County Federal, we provide our Members who open a Secure Checking account with ID Safe Choice Identity Theft Protection Service to assist you with the necessary paperwork to help restore your identity and resolve any issues, including reimbursement insurance. The FTC has recently published an article to alert consumers of the new tax scams being used and provide helpful resources on how to protect yourself.